• 1 июля 2019, понедельник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Study Group: Social Psychology and the Evolution of the Human Mind

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1783 дня назад
1 июля 2019 c 18:00 до 19:00
Новинский бульвар, 21

This course, presented in weekly lectures, is designed to introduce the core concepts of Evolutionary Psychology in relation to how we think and function as members of our society.  It aims to show how deeply flawed our minds can become if we only rely on our intuitions and “default” beliefs, as they have evolved for a world much different than the modern one we currently find ourselves in. This introductory course will encourage people to critically think about the origin of our behavior and by understanding the reason behind many of our “irrationalities”, they can develop more empathy, both cognitive and affective, towards each other.

 The course is designed for the general public and consists of 12 lectures grouped into 4 sections.

Section 1 will deal with various demonstrations of flaws in human mind, from perceptual illusions to logical fallacies.

Lecture 1: Psychological construction of reality: when we fail to see

Lectures 2-3: Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology

Section 2 will cover self and society.

Lectures 4-5: Social Influence: Conformity, Social Roles, and Obedience What Types of Social Influence Exist?

Lecture 6: Status, prestige and social dominance

Lecture 7: Attitudes and Persuasion

Section 3 will deal with relationships, mostly from an evolutionary point of view.

Lectures 8-9: Fundamentals of attractiveness and human mating strategies

Section 4 will explore biological history behind common human behaviors.

Lecture 10: How Morality evolves

Lecture 11: Origin of rituals and the role of cognitive biases

Lecture 12: Evolution and consumer psychology

The course is taught by Sepehrdad Rahimian, a Master’s student of the program "Cognitive Sciences: From Neurons to Technology" at Higher School of Economics

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