• 1 июля 2019, понедельник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Java Programming Workshop

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1783 дня назад
1 июля 2019 c 17:30 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

Do you want to make the first step in computer programming? Come to our class and try Java, one of the best platforms for programming!

We invite everyone interested in STEM in general and programming in particular to our new workshop on Java programming. Come and practice how to program with this easy-to-use software that allows creating astonishing projects! 

The primary goal is to get those involved comfortable with the syntax and nature of object oriented programming, using Java, by relying on exclusively visual examples. By presenting a series of visual puzzles escalating in complexity the students can first become acquainted with all the necessary simple functions before being asked to combine them in such a way that a more complex problem can be solved.

Although we will be using a simplified visual model to explore these concepts, the fundamental nature of programming means that the examples can be scaled to explore more complex concepts like algorithms or heuristics, and will help to meaningfully prepare the students whether they are aware of the larger picture or not.

Some laptops will be provided by the American Center. However, you are welcome to bring your personal laptop with you.

We recommend this class for teens older than 14 years old and adults.

Class coordinator Alexander Pachkov, AMC Coordinator.

 #workshop #stem #java



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