• 16 июля 2019, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

The Tree Art Exhibition Opening

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1771 день назад
16 июля 2019 c 17:30 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

The United States through the eyes of young Russian artists.

The exhibition unites young people who are fond of the Unites States and American culture, who have already been there or are planning to visit the country. This exhibition is about the geography and the soul of the U.S. and one of the states – Wyoming.

The Exhibition and Opening Ceremony are organized and led by The Tree Art independent team of artists: Mary Dudkovskaya – a young Russian artist who has exhibited her works in different venues in Moscow, and Mashanty Glebova – a PR and event-management coordinator.

Mary Dudkovskaya is a young artist from Karelia, she studied in an art school and then in the Surikov Art Institute in Moscow, took private lessons from Dmitry Holkin (a member of the Union of Artists). In 2016, her first exhibition “Flowers and Feelings” was held in Moscow with the support of the Italian Cultural Centre. In 2017, the second exhibition was organized by Mary Dudkovskaya in the Cultural Centre of the Republic of Belarus to promote young artists in Moscow. Some of Maria’s paintings are part of private collections of foreign diplomats and intellectuals, Russian celebrities and art-lovers.

#culture #art #exhibiiton #usa


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