• 23 июля 2019, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Talk “The Grand Canyon”

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1747 дней назад
23 июля 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21
Welcome to a talk about Arizona and the Grand Canyon by Megan Joksimovic, an American high school student. Megan will talk about the Grand Canyon — one of the seven natural wonders of the world, more than just a place for tourists to take pretty photos and how it is necessary that the canyon is preserved due to its cultural and environmental importance to Arizona as well as the surrounding states, such as Colorado. 

Megan Joksimovic is seventeen years old and will be a senior in high school. She studies at a school called BASIS Phoenix. She is interested in International Affairs with a regional focus on Eastern Europe. Megan speaks English, Serbian, and French. This summer, she is studying Russian in Moscow.

#usa #grandcanyon #culture #nature


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