• 29 июля 2019, понедельник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Talk “Art Through the Eyes of a Student”

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1741 день назад
29 июля 2019 c 17:30 до 18:30
Новинский бульвар, 21
Welcome to a talk about art by Andrea Pedemonte, an American high school student. Andrea will talk about what doing theatre is like in high school in America including the relationships you get to build, the daily schedule, life lessons to get from it, and what opportunities there are to perform and learn. 
Andrea Pedemonte is from Falls Church, VA. She attend Justice High School and will be a senior in the coming year with the hopes to go to university. She has a love of traveling and exploring new cultures. She is also an active member in the performing arts community where she lives with theatre, dance, voice, and makeup design. Andrea is currently in Moscow, studying the Russian language for the summer.
Please note the talk will start at 17:45.

#usa #culture #history


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