• 6 августа 2019, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар 21

Exhibition “Journey Across the World”

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1732 дня назад
6 августа 2019 c 17:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар 21

The Exhibition “Journey Across the World” consists of three sections. Each section is related to a specific psychological practice. For example, the section “Cross-Cultural Dialogue” is “awakening” during which viewers observe similarities and differences of various cultures and nations. The world is diverse and unique. It has a lot of mysteries and distinguishing features which are the key to vast knowledge about ourselves. This step is awakening of our mind through touching upon ancient matters and nature, religion and philosophy.

The section “American Dream” depicts “transformation” which is aimed at challenging the set pattern and concept, American Dream in particular. Awakening is replaced by transformation. We narrow our attention from the global scale and focus on the U.S. By proceeding through pop-art and the Buddhist philosophy we gain a new understanding of American dream which has become a set pattern arousing associations and stereotypes in the human mind. Section “American Dream” is aimed at challenging stereotypes about ‘American dream’, deepening the basic understanding of American culture, encouraging and developing creativity to promote cross-cultural cooperation between the U.S. and Russia. The section is based on three pillars: pop-art inspired by Andy Warhol, the nothingness of Franz West, and the Buddhist philosophy. “American Dream” is a socio-cultural experiment where a viewer becomes a protagonist, an investigator developing new interpretations of ‘American dream’ and American identity. “American dream” is an art space where new meanings and creativity are born.

Finally, the section “Challenges to the New World Order” is associated with “implementation” and reminds us about necessary actions we should take to tackle the contemporary issues of the modern world like terrorism, migration, climate change, and negative outcomes arising from technological development.


Ekaterina Demidchenko, a senior student of MGIMO-University majoring in international relations, is a young modern artist and an exhibition curator based in Moscow (originally from Rostov region). She studied in the Art School and passed a course on modern and contemporary art at American University, Washington, D.C. Her main goal in art is to cover controversial current issues to stimulate discussion and change the common understanding and knowledge of ordinary concepts. Ekaterina has participated in personal and collective exhibitions at the Embassy of the Republic of India to the Russian Federation, MGIMO-University, Moscow Gostiny Dvor, and ArtPlay. Some of Ekaterina`s paintings are part of private collections of foreign diplomats and intellectuals.

Viktoria Khlybova, a student of High School of Economics, is a graphic designer with good
software skills and knowledge of contemporary tendencies. Every day Victoria seeks inspiration
analyzing the best works of art and digital design and reading articles on the design field. Her works were exhibited at the Museum of Moscow, at the cultural center DOM and at different art and design festivals. What is more, she is engaged in social activities and social events. For example, Viktoria has participated in the International Contest of social poster and her work was short-listed for exhibition.

Led by Torgom Zatikian, YEAR Program Alumna, AMC Intern.


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