• 23 августа 2019, пятница
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Lecture: "Making beautiful objects with the public"

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1709 дней назад
23 августа 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

Tonight we are meeting with Kiel Johnson, an American artist to talk about living a creative life and making beautiful objects with the public.

Kiel Johnson is a Los Angeles based artist, currently running around the west coast, getting involved in any creative project that will have him. With an emphasis on drawing and sculpture, his works always say handmade, hard work and having fun. Kiel brings the inanimate to life, giving us a world not unlike ours but entirely his. Collaboration has become a big part of his practice as well. Through epic workshops, artist talks & collaborative video projects, Kiel uses simple materials and hand made ingenuity to bring the infectious disease of creativity to anyone willing to engage.

Kiel Johnson: “Through layered narratives and storytelling, my work speaks to my travels and adventures of everyday life. I think of myself as an explorer, setting out each day on an unchartered path of mediation manifested in drawing and sculpture.”

#usa #culture #art


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