• 27 сентября 2019, пятница
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

The International Conference “Distance education of persons with disabilities”

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1673 дня назад
27 сентября 2019 c 18:30 до 20:00
Новинский бульвар, 21


The following talks followed by a discussion:

Dr. John P. Tiefenbacher (Texas State University-San Marcos, professor): Vulnerability of People, Systems, and Places – Tenuous Living in Trans-boundary Spaces
Dinara Barotova (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, student) Guarantees of employment for graduates with disabilities

ORGANIZERS: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and American Center in Moscow

The main goal is to share best practices in distance and blended learning and research on virtual education for disabled people.
•    To study the research on disability issues including the role of helping technologies in the education and employment.
•    To analyze the US and foreign experience distance education of vulnerable groups of students including those with disabilities.
•    To study the Russian current practice of teaching people with disabilities.
•    To present distance and blended courses for persons with disabilities.
•    To develop recommendations for the public and commercial educational institutions in Russia to increase the access of disabled persons to the education. 

The event is open to public. Working language is Russian and English.

More information for researchers is here.

Hosted at the American Center in Moscow by Viacheslav Lipatov, alumnus of Fulbright FFDP Program.

#conference #peoplewithdisabilities


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