• 11 сентября 2019, среда
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Lecture: “Developing an innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem through servant leadership?"

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1688 дней назад
11 сентября 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

Welcome to the lecture by Karl Mundorff, Senior Program Manager from Oregon State University. He was formerly Director of Research Programs for Oregon BEST. As Director of Research Programs for Oregon BEST, a State Signature Research Center focused on advancing the cleantech cluster, he worked with University and National Lab researchers to advance technology to market.  

His recent past includes stints as an Entrepreneur-In-Residence at Oregon BEST and as the President and CEO of BioReaction Industries that developed an air pollution control technology utilizing microbes to digest industrial process exhaust.  This natural system created a 90% reduction in energy intensity and reduced customer’s carbon footprint by 85 percent.  

Growing the company from prototype to commercialization created significant IP, sales and license agreements across three continents along with the development of customer engagements with Fortune 500 companies such as Toyota, Weyerhaeuser and 3M.  He is an advisor to a new cleantech venture fund and various cleantech startups. Karl also designed and teaches Innovation and Business Model Generation in Concordia University’s MBA program and holds a courtesy faculty position in Oregon State’s College of Business.

#usa #startups #entreprenuership


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