Masterclass: 19th Century American Social Dances

Join Susan for a lively mix of history lesson and exercise as she leads you through the basic figures and English vocabulary of nineteenth century contra dances and quadrilles to energetic traditional music and talks about their connection to dances done in America today!

Искусство и культура 12+

Today’s masterclass will feature some new dances and some review of dances from last time. No previous experience is needed and no partner is needed.

This masterclass will be followed by a small St. Valentine’s Day party with soft drinks and light refreshments. Festive clothing is welcome, but not required.

What to wear to the dance masterclass: The best shoes to wear are ones with leather soles; do not wear high heels. You should wear clothing that is comfortable to move in, not too warm, and not tight or restrictive; it does not need to be either exercise clothes or formalwear.

Led by Susan de Guardiola, a teacher and researcher of historical social dance in Western Europe and America.  She has taught and lectured about historical dance at conferences and dance festivals across the USA and choreographed for dance performance groups and theatre.  Over the last eight years she has taught in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and several other Russian cities.  She is especially interested in the connections between American traditional dances and their European origins and the evolution of social dance in nineteenth and early twentieth century America.  She publishes dance research online at

#dance #usa



1853 дня назад
14 февраля 2020 18:30–20:00

Новинский бульвар, 21
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