AMC Online | YEAR Program Presentation

We invite you to learn about the YEAR (Year of Exchange in America for Russians) Program for Russian university students on November 11 at 5 pm MSK.

Образование за рубежом 16+

Are you a Russian university student and want to spend the 2021-2022 academic year studying in the U.S.? Join the YEAR Program presentation online on November 11 at 5 pm Moscow time.

The Year of Exchange in America for Russians program is a unique opportunity for outstanding Russian students to complete a one-year non-degree study program in the United States of America. The program provides a rich academic and cultural experience helping students develop a nuanced understanding of American society and values and strengthen their academic, leadership, and English language skills. Participants are enrolled as full-time students at universities and community colleges across the United States and live with host families to gain an authentic immersion into American culture.  The program is fully funded covering visa expenses, airfare, tuition and fees, room and board, health insurance, and a modest monthly stipend.

The presentation will feature alumni speakers, who will speak about their academic and host family experience, volunteering, interaction with American peers, and non-academic activities. You will be able to ask questions about the program, eligibility criteria, and the application process.

The YEAR Program is currently accepting applications for the 2021-2022 year. The deadline to apply is November 30, 2020.

To join the live stream on November 11 at 5 pm Moscow time, please follow the link to the AMC Facebook page: or YouTube channel: 

You can register below and leave your valid email address to receive a reminder 30 minutes before the presentation begins.

To join other AMC Online programs, please check the American Center’s website and TimePad calendars.

#usa #studyintheus #education


1323 дня назад
11 ноября 2020 17:00–18:00

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