AMC Online | Culture Rich, A Lifestyle of Art: Inside An Alaskan Artist’s Studio

Tune in on October 19 at 8:30 p.m. MSK to take a look into the studio of Alaskan artist Mary Goddard and discover how she creates contemporary jewelry using traditional and nontraditional materials to Alaska. This event is held as part of the Sense of Place Festival of Indigenous Art and Culture (October 11-21, 2022).

Искусство и культура 16+

On October 19 at 8:30 p.m. MSK, join Alaskan artist Mary Goddard for a sneak peek into her artist studio. Discover what inspires her to create her Tlingit Contemporary art in Sitka, the Southeast region of Alaska. Mixing in traditional elements and materials such as formline,  spruce roots, copper, silver, metal along with new technology, Mary’s art includes community installments and jewelry.

About the guest speaker:

Mary Goddard is an Alaskan Native jewelry and film artist and the Regional Catalyst for Regenerative Tourism in Southeast Alaska, currently living in Sitka, Alaska. Raised in Southeast Alaska, she is Tlingit, Eagle from the Brown Bear house. Mary expresses herself through crafting jewelry and also finds great joy in working with film. 

Mary works with a variety of materials including copper, silver, spruce roots, quill, baleen, and grass, to create contemporary jewelry. Mary hand carves, shapes and cuts selected materials using traditional formline design as well as realism to create each one of her unique pieces. When formline elements are not present, she enjoys using traditional materials as a way to shape pieces that still voice her culture. Many of her pieces have spruce root woven into them. She works thoughtfully to capture and honor her Tlingit heritage while creating pieces that are relatable and understandable. Although she may repeat a certain design, each piece of jewelry is a one-of-a-kind. She delights in creating heirloom pieces that are unique to an individual.

Mary spends her free time foraging for indigenous plants, as well as harvesting and preparing natural resources for use in her jewelry, cooking and medicine making. Her blog,, promotes knowledge and cooking tips utilizing indigenous foods from the rainforest to the ocean forest.




This event will be livestreamed on the American Center in Moscow’s YouTube channel, VK group, and Telegram channel.

To receive an email reminder 30 minutes before the online event begins on October 19, 2022, at 8:30 p.m. MSK, register below and leave a valid email address.

To join other AMC Online programs, please check the American Center’s website and TimePad calendars.


737 дней назад
19 октября 2022 20:30–21:30

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