AMC Online | Meet a Poet: An Evening with Karen Corinne Herceg

A graduate from Columbia University with a degree in Literature & Writing, Karen Corinne Herceg brings 24 of her poems to share with our online audience. Karen’s work appears internationally in such publications as American Book Review, Compulsive Reader, North of Oxford, LiveMag!, Lit Pub, Whitehot, Another Chicago Magazine, The Hedgehog Review and many others. Tune in and ask your questions live!

Иностранные языки 18+


The American Center in Moscow is delighted to announce the return of our monthly "Meet a Poet" series. Join us for an evening of literary exploration on Monday, July 31, 2023, at 6:00 PM Moscow Time. We will be hosting renowned poet Karen Corinne Herceg in a conversation moderated by the accomplished Zamira Atlukhanova.

In this session, Karen will share her journey through the world of literature, discuss her works, and shed light on her creative process. As an audience member, you’ll have a unique opportunity to engage with her in a Q&A session. Whether you’re an aspiring poet, an established writer, or simply a lover of eloquent words, this session promises to offer insightful perspectives.

To get a sneak peek at her poems in Russian and English, click here.

About Guest Speaker:

Karen Corinne Herceg graduated from Columbia University with a degree in Literature & Writing. A recipient of New York State grants, she has read her works at major venues alongside such distinguished poets as John Ashbery, Philip Schultz, and William Packard. Her work is internationally acclaimed and features in numerous publications. Karen’s second book, "Out From Calaboose: New Poems", was released in 2017, receiving praise for its stark emotional truths and seamless language. She is currently working on her memoir.

Explore more of Karen Corinne Herceg work on her website,  /

About Moderator:

Zamira Atlukhanova is a literary enthusiast with a passion for reading, discussing books, and writing. She holds an MA from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in Literary and Cultural Studies. Zamira is the author of several short stories and a course on critical reading and writing at Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences. Born and raised in Dagestan, Russia, Zamira brings a rich tapestry of cultural and academic experiences to this conversation.

Join us for this unique chance to engage with an accomplished poet. Register now and get ready to be inspired!





To watch this event live, tune in to the American Center in Moscow’s YouTube channel and VK page on March 27 at 6:00 p.m. MSK. You can also watch the recording of this event on the same platforms after the event’s end.

You can register below and leave your valid email address to receive a reminder 30 minutes before the online event begins.

To join other AMC Online programs, please check the American Center’s website and TimePad calendars.


452 дня назад
31 июля 2023, начало в 18:00

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