Извините, регистрация закрыта. Возможно, на событие уже зарегистрировалось слишком много человек, либо истек срок регистрации. Подробности Вы можете узнать у организаторов события.
Join us on Thursday, October 29 at 4:00 p.m. for English conversation club “Going Green” to talk on the topic of NATIONAL CUISINES.
Join us on Thursday, October 29 at 4:00 p.m. for English conversation club “Going Green” to talk on the topic of NATIONAL CUISINES.
We are going to talk about how and what people eat in different countries of the world. You are welcome to prepare a brief presentation on a cuisine you love and even bring some dish with you!
We hope the meetings will help you to improve English conversation skills and to take steps towards more balanced, sustainable living! Our group is a great way for people to get together and have conversations on topics of personal health, nutrition, sustainability and many others.
Feel free to invite your friends!
We are eager to welcome you at the American Center! Please keep in mind these Rules of Access:
Thank you for your understanding!
Мы всегда рады видеть Вас в Американском Центре! Еще раз напоминаем Вам Правила Посещения:
Спасибо за понимание и до встречи!