• 12 ноября 2015, четверг
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, д. 21

English conversation club “GOING GREEN”: Sport in my life

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3386 дней назад
12 ноября 2015 c 16:00 до 17:30
Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Join us on Thursday, November 12 at 4:00 p.m. for English conversation club “Going Green” to talk on the topic "Sport in my life" with a special guest from the Embassy community!

Join us on Thursday, November 12 at 4:00 p.m. for English conversation club “Going Green” to talk on the topic of Sport in my life.

How the idea of exercising has been developing through centuries? Sport of record or sport for health? Is sport good for people or just a new fashion?  Is it better to over exercise or under exercise, how much is enough? We’ll share personal experience and opinions, pros and cons. Come and discuss with us and a special guest from the Embassy community!

We hope our meetings will help you to improve English conversation skills and to take steps towards more balanced, sustainable living! Our group is a great way for people to get together and have conversations on topics of personal health, nutrition, sustainability and many others. 
Feel free to invite your friends!

Please keep in mind that entry to the U.S. Embassy, where the American Center is located, requires a valid passport

(Image credit: site huffingtonpost.com)


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