• 17 ноября 2015, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Arduino Course with Brandon Peart

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Другие события организатора

3374 дня назад
17 ноября 2015 c 4:00 до 6:00
Новинский бульвар, д. 21

First workshop of a course that will introduce you to Arduino. The course is taught by a tech enthusiast, tinkerer, hobbyist — Brandon Peart.

What is Arduino? Simply put, it is a small computer that you can program to interacts with the world through electronic sensors, lights, speakers, motors, and even your smart-phone. You have an idea of an interactive object or a device? Arduino circuit board will carry it out for you! It can be used as the brains behind almost any electronics project.

Watch this video to get a glimpse of what you can do with Arduino.

The first workshop of the course will introduce you to the basics of Arduino. Brandon Peart, a tech enthusiast, tinkerer and hobbyist, will teach you how to build and program an interactive device for a “smart home” system. He will explain how to use the hardware (the board, resistors, temperature sensors, etc.) and the software (Arduino IDE‘s programming language).

The first project will be divided into three phases:

  1. We will attach the temperature sensor and learn how to use the serial port.
  2. We will learn how to hook up and take readings of a potentiometer.
  3. We will learn how to use logical operators to turn on and off components of a HVAC system (for this project, we will merely turn on blue, yellow, and red LEDs).

The course is taught in English. All the necessary equipment will be provided - just come and play!


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