• 1 декабря 2015, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Film Showing: "How to Survive a Plague"

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3391 день назад
1 декабря 2015 c 17:30 до 20:00
Новинский бульвар, 21

Celebrate World AIDS Day with a screening of "How to Survive a Plague" (120 minutes long)

December 1st is World AIDS Day and we will show the award-winning documentary film,  When the AIDS epidemic hit the U.S. in the 1980s, few people were willing to help — including politicians, doctors, members of the community. Most of of those who suffered from HIV had to acquire their medication from abroad since the FDA would not approve it in the U.S. In the face of all of these odds, community members gathered together to raise awareness and create critical steps toward improving education and treatment for HIV and AIDS. 

Film will be shown in English and does not have Russian subtitles. 

Note: Film is for those who are 18 years or older. 


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