• 3 декабря 2015, четверг
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Special Lecture: Elections in America

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3388 дней назад
3 декабря 2015 c 18:30 до 20:00
Новинский бульвар, 21

American Center Lecture Series: Tony Sayegh and Bernard Whitman

Join us for a special lecture on U.S. presidential elections with two of the U.S.' top political analysts — Tony Sayegh and Bernard Whitman. Both analysts have been involved in several presidential campaigns and analyzing U.S. politics over the past 25 years, 

Bernard Whitman is President & CEO of Whitman Insight Strategies. He has over 25 years experience advising some of the world's most powerful leaders, companies and organizations. A pollster to President Bill Clinton and Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Bernard has been inolved in the last eight U.S. presidential campaigns and has served as strategic adviser to several heads of state. 

Tony Sayegh is Executive Vice President of Jamestown Associates, a Republican political consulting group. He has been involved in over 100 campaigns at the local, state and federal levels. He has also served in public office, having been elected Deputy Mayor for two terms and also serves as a Fox News contributor. 

This lecture is part of the American Center's ongoing U.S. Elections Lecture Series. 

Note: This lecture will take place in English and at the U.S. Embassy Consular Waiting Hall. 


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