• 9 декабря 2015, среда
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Lecture: "The COP21 Conference and Climate Change"

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3383 дня назад
9 декабря 2015 c 16:00 до 17:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

An overview of the COP21 Conference in Paris and U.S. strategic goals on climate change.

Recently the heads-of-state of dozens of countries met in Paris — including U.S. President Obama and Russian President Putin — to discuss climate change at the COP21 Conference. What was this conference all about and why is climate change such an important issue? Come and find out at our lecture on Wednesday, December 9th at 4p.m. Peter Burba and Clara Cates, U.S. Embassy Officers from the Environment, Science, Technology & Health Section, will give an overview of this conference, climate change and U.S. strategic policies in this area.

Please note that this lecture will be in English. 

If you are visiting the U.S. Embassy American Center for the first time, please familiarize yourself withits rules of access.


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