Lecture Series: Do Cities Dream?

The American Center in Moscow is pleased to announce a series of insightful lectures that explore the history, current practices, and approaches to digital innovations within the built environment. We will discover the values and objectives that drive the integration and digital transformation of our cities, transcending the concept of smart cities and technologies as we know them. This series is comprised of 4 lectures, once a month from March to June.

Гражданские проекты 18+

With a focus on Human-centered design thinking, this 4-part series will delve into the formation of sustainable environments and examine the role of digital technology in their evolution. Explore the socio-technical, economic, and environmental factors that shape this transformation, guiding us toward a more harmonious future.

Through illuminating examples of interactive data-driven solutions and projects, this insightful speaker series will examine how technology can serve the well-being of individuals, rather than being solely driven by business models. 


*Events after the first installment of the series will be updated as speakers are confirmed.


March 19th, 2024, 19:00-20:00 МSК

Lecture: The Evolution of Smart Cities 

How has the concept of utilizing digital technologies for urban development changed over the decades, why were some of the concepts unsuccessful, and what can we expect in the coming years? In this discussion, we will explore the significant milestones in the application of digital technologies to the built environment, the core values they aim to generate, and how these values have evolved over time. We will also examine how we, as citizens, are actively involved in the processes of modern sustainable urban development due to the socio-technical nature of digital solutions. Furthermore, we will consider how these processes may evolve, taking into account the latest technological trends and innovations, as well as the increasing importance of sustainable development goals.

Speaker: Ksenia Krasnova, head of Digital Transformation Strategy and Smart Sustainable Solutions for Built Environment at Innopolis University and ex-co founder and manager at Strelka KB’s Digital Transformation Department. Originally trained and having worked on top international projects like Zaryadye Park as an architect and urban planner, Ksenia`s passion for innovation, sustainability, and technologies led her to focus on digital transformation strategies and projects nine years ago. She has been involved in smart buildings and smart city concepts, as well as strategic business and digital product development with a particular focus on sustainability-oriented Urban tech and Prop tech solutions, AI solutions and Digital Twins in collaboration with World Bank, Sber, Dassault Systems, Cisco, etc. Ksenia studied Hybrid Urbanism at the Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture, and Design; studied Smart Cities at the MIT Media Lab and Digital Ecologies at Clemson University. 

26 апреля в 20:00 — 21:00 по московскому времени

Беседа с космическим архитектором: космические инновации для умных устойчивых городов

В рамках этой беседы мы рассмотрим перспективы космической архитектуры и ее применение в создании инновационной, интерактивной и устойчивой среды для жизни. Вместе со специалистом по космической архитектуре мы обсудим, как передовые концепции и технологии влияли и продолжают вдохновлять новые подходы к формированию городской среды, способствуя устойчивому развитию и интеграции современных инноваций. 

Приглашенный эксперт: Ольга Баннова, профессор-исследователь в университете Хьюстона, кандидат технических наук, директор SICSA (международного центра космической архитектуры), руководитель программы бакалавриата по космической архитектуре. 

Модератор: Ксения Краснова, руководитель направления стратегии цифровой трансформации и интеллектуальных устойчивых решений для искусственной среды в Университете Иннополис, бывший соучредитель и менеджер отдела цифровой трансформации КБ "Стрелка".


May 28th, 2024, 19:00-20:00 MSK

Neuro Design for Built Environment

Join us for a talk on neuro design in architecture and urban planning. Our guest speaker Dr. Winifred Elysse Newman will discuss how this approach connects with new technologies, affecting everything from daily activities to large city projects. We’ll explore how architecture and design influence our emotions and how our perceptions and behaviors shape the design of our surroundings.

We’ll start by understanding what neuro design is, where it comes from, and why it’s important for creating modern spaces. We’ll also look at how different fields come together in neuro design and the tools and technologies used in this area. Finally, we’ll discuss the future of neuro design, including exciting advances in AI, neurointerfaces, and mixed reality.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Winifred Elysse Newman is the Mickel Professor at Clemson University, the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs, and Director of the Institute for Intelligent Materials, Systems and Environments (CU-iMSE), promoting digital and human-machine hybrid solutions as a paradigm shift in the design and occupation of the built environment. Dr. Newman concentrates on spatial perception in architecture, ecological psychology, adaptive environments and neuroaesthetics with active research in neuroscience and architecture, data visualization, mapping, STEM learning environments, and histories of technology and science. Dr. Newman is the Executive Editor of the Journal for Technology, Architecture, and Design. Recent publications include Data Visualization for Design Thinking: Applied Mapping.

Moderator: Ksenia Krasnova, head of Digital Transformation Strategy and Smart Sustainable Solutions for Built Environment at Innopolis University and ex-co founder and manager at Strelka KB’s Digital Transformation Department. 

June 21st, 2024, 19:00-20:00 MSK

Describing the Life of Public Spaces in an Era of Data in Cities

In this talk, our guest speaker, Anthony Vanky, will explore how digital data can be used in urban design and creating public spaces. This approach leverages data collected from various sources—from the devices in our hands to sensors in the environment—and can describe how people use and act in the spaces in the cities in which we live, work, and play. Anthony will delve into what types of data can be tracked and the insights drawn from analyzing this information. 

We will discuss how something as seemingly mundane as trash can provide designers, policymakers, and decision-makers with valuable data to make cities more comfortable and sustainable places to live and how sensors we carry with us can give a different view of the healthiness of our everyday experiences in the city, with an eye towards rethinking manner in which we see and describe the city. 

The talk will review research cases from MIT to New York City and beyond, drawing on Anthony’s various experiences working with cities around the world. It will also provide an overview of the sensing technologies and other methods cities are using to collect data about their inhabitants. Additionally, we will address the significant obstacles and ethical considerations associated with data-driven behavioral analysis in urban environments. The discussion will cover universal challenges facing contemporary cities, emerging trends, and future possibilities for data collection technologies. The goal is to shed light on how a data-informed approach can shape the design and development of vibrant public spaces in the smart cities of tomorrow.

Guest Speaker: Anthony Vanky, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. He has previously held appointments in urban planning and technology at the University of Michigan and urban design at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Trained as an architect (Tulane University, M.Arch), urban designer (MIT, S.M.), and urban planner (MIT, Ph.D.), he focuses on technology-based practices in urban planning and design. Vanky’s research considers the use of digital data and pervasive sensing technologies in designing, planning, and evaluating urban environments and spans the disciplines of urban design, urban technologies, computational social science, innovation studies, and public health.

September 17th, 2024, 20:00-21:00 MSK

Sustainability and the Integration of Digital Innovations in the Built Environment

In this talk, our guest speaker, Antoine Picon, will explore how digital technologies can be used to enhance environmental sustainability, improve human well-being, and support the achievement of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals, as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in urban environments. He will address the social and technical aspects of transforming cities with digital innovations, discuss how these changes impact everyday life and societal habits, and present the concept of cities that are resilient to climate change.

Guest Speaker: Antoine Picon is the G. Ware Travelstead Professor of the History of Architecture and Technology at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design, where he also serves as the Chair of the PhD Program in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning. With a background in engineering, architecture, and history, Picon focuses on the relationships between architectural and urban spaces, technology, and society from the 18th century to the present.

His  French Architects and Engineers in the Age of Enlightenment  (1988; English translation, 1992) is a synthetic study of the disciplinary deep structures of architecture, garden design, and engineering in the eighteenth century, and their transformations as new issues of territorial management and infrastructure-systems planning were confronted. Whereas  Claude Perrault (1613-1688) ou la Curiosité d’un classique  (1988) traces the origin of these changes at the end of the seventeenth century,  L’Invention de l’Ingénieur Moderne, L’Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées 1747- 1851  (1992) envisages their full development from the mid-eighteenth century to the 1850s by focusing on the changes experienced by the engineering profession.





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