Teaching English to Young Learners

As an educator who spends time with young learners, you’ve seen first-hand how quickly they pick up a new language and how easy it is to engage them in further study—or lose their interest completely! In this free, practice-oriented course, you will join colleagues around the world to explore innovative, effective, and engaging ways to teach English to young learners—and, in the process, set them on a course for success in all their future language endeavors.

Иностранные языки 18+

In this seven-week course, English Language Specialist Carol Foye will guide primary school ESL teachers through a MOOC on innovative ways to teach and capture the imaginations of young English learners, ages 3-11. In addition to guiding teachers through the MOOC, Foye will conduct live, online workshops where she’ll review content and give participants even more practical techniques and strategies. In each meeting, she’ll be on hand to better explain the concepts presented as well as answer any questions that arise. Participants will come away with a deeper understanding of the content as well as a new professional learning network they can call on in the future.

Who: Primary school English teachers

What: Teaching English to Young Learners, a guided MOOC training program

When: April 12–June 5, 2024

Where: Zoom

Why: Because teaching EFL to young learners requires special skills and a seemingly bottomless bag of tricks.


Week 1—opening and orientation

Weeks 2-6—work on the course modules

Week 7 – closing and evaluation

Learning Objectives and Learner Outcomes

By the end of the course, you will be able to…

  • Explain why it’s especially important to teach EFL at early ages
  • Implement teaching methodology in the classroom
  • Use effective approaches and techniques appropriate for young learners in your EFL classroom
  • Learn techniques for teaching new vocabulary and grammar that encourage student participation
  • Develop appropriate activities for teaching vocabulary, grammar, and the four skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—to young EFL learners
  • Develop a lesson for young EFL learners in your specific learning environment
  • Share ideas with peers and gain new avenues to develop professionally. 
  • Access additional resources, recommended reading, and discussion posts via Canvas

About the English Language Specialist:

Carol Foye is a passionate educator with over 20 years of experience in teaching English as a second language. She earned a BA in International Relations from the University of Minnesota, an MA in Second Language Acquisition from the University of Hawai’i, and a professional K-12 ESOL teaching certificate with Gifted and Reading endorsements from the State of Florida. In her teaching career, she has worked in classrooms all over the US and internationally, including full-time positions at the University of Minnesota and TransPacific Hawai’i College. Carol is currently a full-time District ESOL Specialist in Manatee County, Florida, and an adjunct instructor at the State College of Florida (SCF). As a K-12 ESOL Specialist, she supports ESOL programs, administrators, students, and teachers throughout the school district. As an instructor at SCF, she teaches all the courses for the State of Florida Department of Education to pre-service teachers. 


Those who complete all program tasks and attend 80% of meetings (5 out of 7) will receive certificates with details of the completed program.




This viewing and discussion session is hosted on Zoom, so if you are interested in joining, please create a Zoom account beforehand. When registering below, please submit your valid email address to receive a link to the class Zoom meeting 30 minutes before the session begins.

To join other AMC Online programs, please check the American Center’s website and TimePad calendars.

#workshop #teaching #english #esl #tesol


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