Navigating the Dangers of Misinformation and Disinformation in the Digital Age

What potential harms do we face when we engage with content online? In this informative presentation on Wednesday, May 8 at 6 pm MSK, Sam Woolley and Zelly Martin will discuss their work at the Center for Media Engagement at the University of Texas at Austin on mis- and disinformation, conspiracy theories, and emerging technologies.

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Join us on Wednesday, May 8 at 18:00 MSK to unlock the tools you need to navigate misinformation and disinformation online.

Sam Woolley and Zelly Martin’s recent research has found that disinformation producers particularly target marginalized communities like immigrant communities, people of color, women, and children in the United States. Such disinformation proliferates not only on social media, but also on encrypted messaging apps (EMAs). In this online event, they will discuss empirical examples of how such misinformation can evolve into conspiracy theories and the various technological toolkits that are often employed, including open social media, EMAs, and generative AI. Finally, they will offer solutions for citizens and journalists to promote media literacy and the consumption and spread of reliable information in a world increasingly concerned about what content to trust online.

About the speakers:

Samuel C. Woolley (Ph.D. University of Washington) is a writer and researcher who studies how emerging media technologies are used for both democracy and control. His empirical and theoretical work on the concept of ‘computational propaganda’ challenges contemporary understandings of how digital media are used in efforts to control public opinion. His research argues that contemporary groups now use technologies harnessing automation, artificial intelligence, and algorithms and strategies tied to manufactured consensus and relational influence in attempts to manipulate information systems and the people who use them. Woolley is an assistant professor and fellow of the R.P. Doherty Sr. Centennial Professorship in Communication in the School of Journalism and Media at the University of Texas at Austin.

Zelly Martin (M.A. University of Texas at Austin) is a Ph.D. candidate of journalism and media and a graduate research assistant at the Center for Media Engagement at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests include the use of emergent technologies to spread disinformation and propaganda, particularly surrounding reproductive rights.




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309 дней назад
8 мая 2024 18:00–19:00

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