Raising Multilingual Children

In partnership with the Regional English Language Office (RELO), the American Center in Moscow is proud to present a webinar series for parents and educators of multilingual children. Please join us on Mondays at 8:00 pm Moscow Time, starting August 19th. Each hour-long webinar is hosted by an experienced bilingual educator. The American Center in Moscow will issue certificates to participants who attend ALL 4 sessions.

Иностранные языки 18+


Mondays, 8:00 pm Moscow Time, 60 minutes each

Webinar #1, August 19: What are the benefits of early multilingualism and how do young children learn languages? (Angela Palmieri)

Webinar #2, August 26: What can we expect from the learning process when children are learning more than one language at a young age? (Amanda Fox)

Webinar #3, September 9: What parenting practices can help to nurture multilingualism? (Edith Esparza Young)

Webinar #4, September 16:  A panel discussion about parenting/teaching/supporting multilingualism with all three specialists moderated by the Regional English Language Officer Jennifer Uhler

*These sessions will be presented in English with Russian subtitles.

About the English Language Specialists:

Dr. Angela Palmieri is a bilingual education researcher, professor, and consultant with over twenty-three years of experience as a scholar practitioner in dual language and bilingual education. Angela currently leads two historical K-12 bilingual education programs in Culver City Unified School District (Japanese and Spanish) in Los Angeles, CA. Originally from Caracas, Venezuela, Dr. Palmieri grew up trilingual and tricultural, speaking Italian, Spanish, and English at home. Angela is the founding teacher of two K-5th Spanish dual language programs in California. For twenty-one years, she taught grades K-6th in Los Angeles, Detroit, and San Francisco in both Spanish dual language immersion and English-medium settings. In 2016, Palmieri was granted the Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching, where she traveled to New Zealand to research and document the cultural pedagogical practices of Maori-medium schools. Dr. Palmieri earned her doctorate in education from the Educational Leadership Program (ELP) at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Palmieri’s (2021) doctoral research focused on exploring teacher perceptions of sociocultural competence in dual language education. Dr. Palmieri is one of the contributing authors in The Handbook of Dual Language Bilingual Education (2024).

Amanda Fox has over 15 years of experience in bilingual education for young learners. She is currently the Elementary School Director at La Scuola International School, an Italian immersion school in San Francisco, California. She also worked at French and Mandarin immersion schools in the Bay Area. As a teacher, she has taught in France, Brazil, and the United States, worked with students from ages 3 to 83, and is passionate about the power of multilingual and multicultural learning communities.

Dr. Edith Esparza Young earned a doctorate in Bilingual Education from the first institution in the United States to grant a doctoral degree in this field from Texas A&M University Kingsville. She is a certified teacher in Texas in the areas of Bilingual Education, English as a second language, Spanish and English Language Arts. She has served as an educator, professor, advocate and researcher for thirty years. She has lived internationally in St. Kitts, Mexico and Azerbaijan. While in Azerbaijan, she had the opportunity to study Russian. She has also studied French and German. She is a native Spanish speaker. Prior to returning to Texas in 2024, she served as Associate Professor at an American medical school, as the Program Director of Professional Communication and Language Education. She is an immigrant from Mexico, and she has raised two bilingual children who are now adults in graduate school.

Jennifer Uhler is the Regional English Language Officer based in Tallinn and works with the US Embassy and Consulate in Poland to support Public Diplomacy programs that promote quality English language teaching and learning. She previously served as a RELO in Brazil, Washington, DC, Indonesia and East Timor, and Central Asia. Prior to joining the US Department of State, Jennifer taught in various US and international settings as a teacher and teacher educator, including as an English Language Fellow (Estonia), a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (Romania), and a Peace Corps Volunteer (Slovakia) . She holds degrees in TESOL and Language Program Administration from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey. Her professional interests include teacher learning, content-based instruction, and language policy. She grew up in Wyoming and still considers the wild, open skies of the West her true home in the United States.


Earn an e-certificate from the Regional English Language Office!

To qualify for an e-certificate, you need to attend ALL 4 webinar sessions and fill out an attendance form during each session. The viewing sessions take place every Monday from August 19, 2024, through September 16, 2024. 




These sessions will be livestreamed on the American Center in Moscow’s  YouTube channel, VK group, and Telegram channel.

To receive an email reminder 30 minutes before the online event begins, register below and leave a valid email address.

To join other AMC Online programs, please check the American Center’s  website  and  TimePad  calendars.

#workshop #teaching #english #esl #tesol


148 дней назад
19 августа 20:00 — 16 сентября 2024 21:00

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