• 30 марта 2016, среда
  • Москва, Американский центр в Посольстве США, Новинский бульвар, 21

Special Lecture: New York Photo League

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2969 дней назад
30 марта 2016 c 18:30 до 20:00
Американский центр в Посольстве США, Новинский бульвар, 21

by Howard Greenberg, Photo Gallerist

A lecture on the history of the New York Photo League, a group of young New Yorkers who banded together during the Great Depression to photograph real New York through the eyes of real New Yorkers.  For 15 years, the League would train over 1500 artists under the motto that a photo camera was a device that could change the world. It produced iconic images of New York that are greatly valued today. 

Howard Greenberg is a world famous photojournalist and gallerist. He has been listed as one of the 25 Most Important People in Photography. In 2004 his gallery received the "Photo Gallery of the Year" award from the Lucie Foundation. He has gone on to receive many other awards, including the 2012 Life Achievement Award from the George Eastman House.


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