• 22 июня 2016, среда
  • Москва, Американский центр при Посольстве США, Новниский бульвар, 21

Job Skills Workshop: How to Interview (Part I)

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3163 дня назад
22 июня 2016 c 17:00 до 18:30
Американский центр при Посольстве США, Новниский бульвар, 21

A series of workshops devoted to resume writing, cover letter writing, interview techniques and more.

Join us for a two-part session on how to interview well for jobs in English. You will learn how to dress, how to answer questions, which questions you should ask the interviewer and much more. During Part II of this session, you participate in "practice" interviews with panels of interviewers and receive feedback on how you did. 

This workshop is a part of a cycle of sessions over the next two months, which will focus on developing skills important in the business world:  writing resumes and cover letters, interviewing, communicating, career networking, and building confidence in your professional strengths. These workshops will be designed to help you practice and develop these skills in English and will be conducted by AMC Intern, Rylee Knight.

Rylee is currently attending her last year at Utah Valley University, where she will be graduating with her bachelor’s degree in Business Management with an associate’s degree in Accounting. She also graduated from the two-year leadership LEAD program at Utah Valley University. Rylee is from the state of Utah and has previously lived in Russia and Kazakhstan for a year and a half. 


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