• 18 июля 2016, понедельник
  • Москва, Американский центр при Посольстве США, Новинский бульвар, 21

Russian-American Youth Conference: Day Two

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Другие события организатора

3161 день назад
18 июля 2016 c 9:00 до 17:00
Американский центр при Посольстве США, Новинский бульвар, 21

A two-day conference for high school and university youth, presented by the Russian-American Friendship Project, a U.S. alumni cooperative project to promote greater awareness of Russian and American culture

During the second day of the Russian-American Youth Conference participants will have the opportunity to attend lectures, group sessions and activities focusing on areas of Russian-American cooperation. Topics will include culture, environment, science, space, business, entrepeneurship and others. Participants will work within groups to discuss and develop ideas for youth projects in these areas.

This is an excellent opportunity for students majoring in international relations, American Studies, politics, international economics, and similar disciplines. 

Space is limited and open only to high school and university students (American and Russian).


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