• 8 июня 2018, пятница
  • Москва, Американский Центр при Посольстве США, Новинский бульвар, 21

“Information Literacy” Workshop

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2142 дня назад
8 июня 2018 c 17:00 до 19:30
Американский Центр при Посольстве США, Новинский бульвар, 21

A two-month course on Information Literacy — final class.

American Center is glad to announce a new two-month course on Information Literacy. You can participate face-to-face from AMC or ONLINE from anywhere! 

We get bombarded with multi-channelled information every day. More often than not, the pieces of information we consume are unfiltered, mutually contradictory and biased in a way to promote the author’s agenda. Even if we lack the time and skill to fact check everything that grabs our eyes, we can employ a range of linguistic and rhetorical analysis techniques that will empower us to tell the manipulation apart from reliability. 

The course is aimed at:

-helping you evaluate the reliability of the information you consume on a daily basis;

-equipping you with techniques that will help you spot bias;

-familiarising you with the world of English speaking media;

-giving you an opportunity to practice English at a high level.

The course is led by Yulia Beymlina, a Fulbright program alumna and a Delta qualified teacher with a broad international experience. 

Come to enjoy the cookies, do challenging tasks, defend your project, get a certificate and win a prize.

The course is offered in English and is labour intensive. Minimal English level requirement is: B1+ (intermediate).

#workshop #democracy #learn_english


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