• 15 июня 2018, пятница
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Film Screening: Pest Fest 2018

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2141 день назад
15 июня 2018 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

A monthly film showing as part of 2018 Pest Fest Festival.

To commemorate ASEAN Dengue Day on June 15 American Center Moscow invites you to film showing: "Dengue: The Hunt for a Vaccine" and "I Contain Multitudes: Mosquitoes Might SAVE Lives, Thanks to Bacteria", screened as part of 2018 Pest Fest organized by the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) in a partnership with the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival (JHWFF). Film series explore the threats vector-borne disease pose to people everywhere, as well as ways to address this growing problem.

Film Synopsis

Dengue: The Hunt for a Vaccine: Dengue fever is classic 21st century disease, spreading through travel, urbanization and environmental changes. Spread by the same mosquito that carries the Zika virus, half the world’s population is now at risk. Around 500,000 people are hospitalized each year and thousands, mostly children, die. Worse still, there is no treatment for dengue fever. The documentary filmed in the Philippines, USA, Mexico and Brazil charts the seventy year search for an effective vaccine against the complex disease. The very first vaccine is now becoming available, the first step towards curbing the increasing threat.

I Contain Multitudes: Mosquitoes Might SAVE Lives, Thanks to Bacteria: Dengue fever is a deadly mosquito-borne viral disease estimated to infect over 400 million people every year. Ed Yong talks with Scott O’Neill, Professor at Monash University and leader of the Eliminate Dengue project, about his surprising solution: infectthe mosquito with bacteria called Wolbachia that is able to spread through the mosquito population and stop the transmission of dengue. Pilot studies with the Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes suggest it has great power to reduce the spread of dengue.


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