• 21 июня 2018, четверг
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Talk: "U.S. Domestic Migration and U.S.- China Relations - Academic Perspective"

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2137 дней назад
21 июня 2018 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

#usa #internationalrelations

American Center invites you to a special meeting with Kennesaw State University representatives. You will have a chance to learn and discuss topical questions of U.S. domestic and international processes from academic perspective. The topics under discussion are:
"The Contemporary Migration from the Midwest/Northeast to the Sun Belt" by Mary Thornburg, student of Kennesaw State University
"China’s Rise and America’s Response" by Dr. Thomas E. Rotnem, Associate Director of the School of Government and International Affairs, Professor of Political Science, Kennesaw State University


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