• 29 июня 2018, пятница
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Russian-American Literature: “Nightfall” by Isaac Asimov

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2127 дней назад
29 июня 2018 c 17:00 до 18:00
Новинский бульвар, 21

Come and learn about Russian-American Writer Isaac Asimov and his science fiction novelette "Nightfall"

American Center invites everyone interested in literature and history of the US-Russian relations to the special lecture and discussion dedicated to Isaac Asimov’s life, writing career and his science fiction novelette "Nightfall." 
You will learn about the personal history of Isaac Asimov as a Russian immigrant to the United States, as well as the ways in which Asimov’s early writing career was influenced by his being culturally rooted in both countries. 
During this event you will also participate in group reading and discussion of  “Nightfall” (1941): a short story about the coming of darkness to the people of a planet ordinarily illuminated by sunlight at all times.
The event is led by Reagan Briere, US Embassy Summer Intern, having arrived in Russia in July 2017. As part of a family associated with the American State Department, Reagan has moved over 14 times and has completed 4 international moves. In the fall, she will be attending Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, as a neurobiology major. Beyond Asimov’s work, Reagan’s dual love for science and literature has previously intersected in the publication of a May 2017 editorial in The New York Times relating to the connections between law and medical care. Reagan’s favorite color is turquoise.
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