• 19 июля 2018, четверг
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

English Language Teaching Seminar

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2117 дней назад
19 июля 2018 c 17:30 до 19:00
Новинский бульвар, 21

#workshop #teachers_english #learn_english

We are glad to announce a new series of seminars devoted to issues in teaching and learning English. During 11 meetings in May-August 2018 we are going to discuss various aspects of effective foreign language learning and teaching. At the end of the series there will be a mini-conference in a TED-talks format where you will get a chance to present your ideas related to the topic.

We welcome anyone interested in the topic and believe it would benefit both secondary school teachers, university professors and learners of English as well. Rcommended level of English to participate is: B2 (Intermediate) and above.

Active participants will receive a signed certificate from the American Center in recognition of attendance.

The questions to discuss on July 19:

  • Teaching and Testing Reading and Listening
  • What are receptive and productive skills?
  • Strategies for Reading and Listening
  • Testing Reading and Listening

Led by Elena Kapshutar, Ph.D. in Philology, AMC volunteer.



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