• 24 июля 2018, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Special Film Showing and Discussion: “SlingShot”

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2112 дней назад
24 июля 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

American Center in Moscow is happy to invite you to a special meeting with Paul Lazarus, American award-winning film director, producer and writer, who will introduce his documentary "SlingShot" to Russian audience and hold a discussion after the film showing.

SlingShot focuses on Segway inventor Dean Kamen, his fascinating life, and his work to solve the world’s water crisis. Iconoclast, Kamen, is a modern hero. His inventions, mostly medical devices, help people in need and ease suffering. Several documentaries have been produced about the world’s dire water challenges. SlingShot is a film about an indomitable man who just might have enough passion, will, and innovative thinking to create a solution for a crisis that affects billions.

Paul Lazarus, American award-winning director, producer and writer of film, television, and theater projects, working with Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry, Holly Marie Combs, Ashley Benson and others. He gave the world famous movies and television series, including iconic projects like Friends, Melrose Place and Pretty Little Liars. Graduated from Dartmouth College, and apprenticed with the Royal Shakespeare Company in England.


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