• 28 августа 2018, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

GIST TechConnect: Turning a Profit while Doing Good

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2089 дней назад
28 августа 2018 c 18:00 до 19:00
Новинский бульвар, 21

#startup #investment #techstartup #usa #business

Are you an entrepreneur who wants to leverage your profits and have a positive impact in your community? Do you have an idea for a tech startup you think could earn you money while helping others? If you answered yes to either of these questions, join a live webchat on Tuesday, August 28 at 18:00 Moscow time to learn how to run a profitable startup with a positive social impact.

A live panel of experienced entrepreneurs will talk about their own startups, how they are making a positive difference in their communities, and how your startup can do the same. The panelists will be:

  • Fonta Gilliam, Founder & CEO of Sou Sou: Fonta’s company modernizes traditional savings and loan models found in cultures around the world. It is a crowd-sourced banking community that allows people to build credit and wealth together, taking turns paying in and cashing out of the system.
  • Gideon Taub, Founder & CEO of Pinkaloo Technologies: Gideon’s company uses fintech to modernize and increase charitable giving for businesses and employees.
  • Laila Akel, COO of RedCrow: RedCrow helps companies operate in high-risk environments using an application that detects and minimizes risks. The application makes communities safer, while providing job opportunities for work that would otherwise be too dangerous.

#web_chat #business #usa


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