• 24 августа 2018, пятница
  • Москва, Американский Центр при Посольстве США, Новинский бульвар, 21

Lecture: “Through America: There and Back Again”

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2095 дней назад
24 августа 2018 c 18:30 до 19:30
Американский Центр при Посольстве США, Новинский бульвар, 21
Have you ever thought of going on a roadtrip across the United States with your friends or living for a month in Los Angeles meeting new people and immersing yourself into American culture?
American Center invites you to a meeting with Alex Gusev, who will tell us about his amazing experience in the United States where he spent three months traveling with his friends around the country, visiting different cities and National Parks.
This evening Alex will talk about his roadtrip from New Hampshire to California which happened last May by showing his interesting and informative presentation with beautiful shots and funny videos. Alex has been to the U.S. 8 times and visited 34 states. He will share unique information about his remarkable experience Stateside and tell incredible stories from his last trip.
Alex recently graduated from Civil Engineering University of Moscow, works as an English teacher.
#usa #lecture


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