• 10 сентября 2018, понедельник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Special Talk: "e-NABLE a global movement innovating open source 3D-printed prosthetics"

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2065 дней назад
10 сентября 2018 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

American Center invites you to a meeting with Jon Schull, a biological psychologist, entrepreneur, community organizer, and director of RIT’s Center for Student Innovation. Following the Maker Fair Moscow ar Gorky Park on Septemeber 8-9, Jon will talk about his way to entrepreneurship, the volunteer e-NABLE movement which he founded in 2013, 3D-printing and prosthetics.

Jon Schull has successfully implemented planning, problem solving, creativity, and innovation processes and projects in a variety of teams and organizations. Author of 14 patents and scores of scholarly articles, Prof. Schull is an internationally recognized innovator in intellectual property protection, information commerce, intelligence in biological and artificial systems, active transportation and sustainability, and the facilitation of multi-disciplinary collaboration via technology and mentoring.


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