• 9 октября 2018, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, д. 21

YEAR Program Presentation

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2034 дня назад
9 октября 2018 c 17:00 до 18:00
Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Are you a student and want to spend the 2019-2020 academic year studying in the U.S.? Join the YEAR program presentation at the American Center in Moscow.

The Year of Exchange in America for Russians program provides outstanding Russian students a unique opportunity to study for one year at U.S. institutions of higher education, to engage with local communities in sustained and meaningful dialogue, to educate Americans about Russia’s history and culture, and to gain a new, nuanced understanding of American society.

The meeting will host two alumnae speakers Aleksandra Grishina (YEAR 2016-2017) and Ekaterina Frolova (2017-2018), who both spent a year at West Virginia University and will speak on their academic and host family experience, volunteering, interaction with American peers, non-academic activities. You will be able to ask questions on application process, selection, program administration.

#lecture #usa #studyintheus #usexchange


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