• 16 октября 2018, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Talk: "Female Entrepreneurship and Growing a Female-run Business"

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2027 дней назад
16 октября 2018 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Interested in entrepreneurship and strating up your own business? Join a special meeting with Megan Ward at the American Center in Moscow.

Detroit entrepreneur Meagan Ward is founder of the entrepreneurship organization The Powerful Woman, CEO of branding agency Creatively Flawless, and founder of Detroit’s only female-only co-working space called Femology. Today she will talk about empowering women through entrepreneurship and ways to expand female-run businesses.

Meagan founded The Powerful Women in 2013, which aims to cultivate a culture of excellence for females through high standards and accountability. The Powerful Women holds workshops and conferences designed to unite women of all backgrounds and celebrate womanhood in its entirety. Meagan, who has featured in Black Enterprise and Huffington Post for her personal entrepreneurial journey, works collectively with four Detroit-based female entrepreneurs who form The Powerful Women’s working executive board to help female entrepreneurs. Creatively Flawless is a branding agency for women entrepreneurs and professionals. The company specializes in branding, marketing, advertising, design, and coaching.


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