• 15 октября 2018, понедельник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Lecture: “Art Forgery and the Corruption of Knowledge: Stories from the Field of Art Forensics”

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2029 дней назад
15 октября 2018 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Welcome to a special lecture at the American Center in Moscow. Today we are talking about art forgery. If you are interested in art forensics real cases and want to meet specialists in the field, join us on Monday, October 15 at 18:00.

Our guest speakers are:

Dr. Jeffrey Taylor is the Grosland Director of the Master in Gallery Management & Exhibits Specialization at Western State Colorado University. He works closely with Thiago Piwowarczyk on Art Forensics cases, making use of their laboratory, which Dr. Taylor had originally founded at SUNY Purchase. The Art Forensics laboratory is now located in the Williamsburg area of Brooklyn.
Dr. Taylor is  a Certified Appraiser of Personal Property with the Appraisers Association of America, with a specialization in Impressionist and Modern Art. He has a PhD in Cultural History from the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. His dissertation was on the history of the Hungarian Art Market. He served as the 2016 Leon Levy Fellow at the Frick Collection’s Center for the History of Collecting.
After graduating from Oberlin College in 1990, with a degree in English and Government, Jeffrey Taylor travelled to Hungary in 1990 to be part of the first Peace Corps contingent to serve in Europe. After finishing Peace Corps he worked as the Cross-Cultural Coordinator for subsequent Peace Corps Hungary groups. He also received a Rotary Scholarship in 1994 to study for an MA in History at the Central European University. He would subsequently return to the university and receive his PhD in 2011.
While living in Hungary, Taylor founded Central Europe’s leading commercial transport of art and antiques, and also became an art advisor.Taylor frequently comments on the art business in and its problems. His press appearances include: 60 Minutes, Wall Street Journal, CNBC, The New Republic, The Village Voice, and CBC Radio.

Mr. Thiago Piwowarczyk has been providing art forensic services for a decade, helping art conservator, collectors and museums to identify forgeries and attributions. His work has spanned several countries from South America to North America and Europe. He is currently serving as a Fellow at the Frick Collection’s Center for the History of Collecting where is researching the history of art forensics. He is making particular study of the Collection’s own documents regarding Henry Clay Frick’s collecting and the use of early twentieth century art forensic techniques in pursuit of greater surety of authenticity. Mr Piwowarczyk is a trained forensic scientist specialized in artistic matters, holding a certification by the American Board of Criminalistics (ABC) and Sao Paulo Chemistry Council (professional association). He holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry degree from Sao Paulo University, Brazil (2006); M.Sc. Forensic Science from Pace University New York (2013).


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