• 19 октября 2018, пятница
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Talk: “Vertical Urban Factory”

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2025 дней назад
19 октября 2018 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, д. 21

American Center in Moscow invites you to a meeting with Nina Rappaport, an architectural historian and critic. She will talk about her think tank Vertical Urban Factory that bridges both academic research and a consultancy to architects, urban planners, developers, and city agencies on urban manufacturing space and the value of industry for productive cities. It focuses on continued use of former industrial sites for industry. It began with research, seminars, and an architecture studio in 2008. Extensive investigations resulted in an exhibition in 2011, which is traveling, and a 480-page book published by Actar in 2016.

Nina Rappaport is  an architectural historian, critic, curator, and educator, she is Publications Director at Yale School of Architecture and directs the Vertical Urban Factory, a think tank and consultancy. Her book Vertical Urban Factory (2016) is an outgrowth of the traveling exhibition of the same name. She teaches at New York area schools of architcture. She is co-editor of Ezra Stoller, Photographer (2012) and curator of an installation of Stoller’s work in Washington, DC. Nina has received grants from New York Council on the Arts, the Graham Foundation, among others. She is a long-time member of the Municipal Art Society’s Preservation Committee, a member of the program committee of the Design Trust for Public Space, and was a founder of the Queens Preservation League.



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