• 17 октября 2018, среда
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

ELT Lectures: “Academic Writing and Writing Centers”

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2027 дней назад
17 октября 2018 c 17:00 до 19:00
Новинский бульвар, 21

Are you an English language teacher or a student, interested in learning techniques? Then join us on Wednesday for the lectures on academic writing in English.

The American Center and the English Language Office of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow invite English language teachers, education professionals and students to attend lectures by the English Language Specialists:

17:00 — 18:00 "Writing Effective Introductions and Conclusions for Academic Papers" by M. Sidury Christiansen, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor of TESOL/Applied Linguistics at the University of Texas at San Antonio and a former Fulbright Scholar. Her research interests include sociolinguistics and digital literacies, especially on learners’ engagement with each other in digital spaces. She explores the intersections between literacy and language ideologies, identities, and culture online. In the area of digital literacy, her current work focuses on the use of digital technologies for second language writing development (e.g., digital storytelling, use of apps and video making to advance academic essay writing). Her publications have appeared in journals such as Written Communication, Writing & Pedagogy, Journal of Sociolinguistics, and the Journal of Response to Writing.

18:00 — 19:00 "Academic Writing Centers: Almost Everything You Need to Know about Good Academic Writing and Rethinking the AWL" by Robert A. Coté, Ph.D., the Director of the Writing Skills Improvement Program at the University of Arizona, Tucson. He received his Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition & Teaching from The University of Arizona with a major in sociolinguistics and a minor in pedagogy and program administration; holds a master’s in TESOL from Florida International University and a bachelor’s in meteorology from Saint Louis University. Robert began his career in education nearly 25 years ago when he taught beginning ESL at a farm worker’s camp for the Literacy Volunteers of America. Since then, he has worked as an administrator, teacher trainer, and classroom instructor in various settings including university IEP’s, community colleges, adult education centers, and public high schools in Arizona, Florida, Mexico, Spain, United Arab Emirates, and China. He enjoys teaching all aspects of the English language, and his research interests include teaching writing, peer review, Generation 1.5 students, and CALL.

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