• 25 октября 2018, четверг
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Newseum Virtual Program

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2017 дней назад
25 октября 2018 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, д. 21

Welcome to a series of interactive webchats on media literacy, which focus on easy-to-use tools and techniques for deconstructing information in a variety of media, from historic newsreels to histrionic websites.

Today’s topic is "Judging Fact, Fiction and Everything In-Between".

Is Wikipedia reliable? How do you distinguish fact from rumor? What news source is trustworthy? From social media posts to "citizen journalist" reports to traditional news media, today’s students face questions about the origins, reliability and attribution of information everywhere they turn. As digital natives who’ve been online their whole lives, they have a unique perspective on these issues, but they still need guidance to ask the right questions and find the answers. This broad introduction to media literacy provides a set of easy-to-use tools teachers can share with their students to deconstruct the information they encounter online, in print, on social media or on TV. Participants will model specific strategies and resources they can bring to their classroom to foster increased media literacy across subject matters, with special attention to developing research skills.

This workshop includes an interactive lesson with a Newseum educator, teaching strategies and resources, and a gallery exploration guide. 


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