• 13 ноября 2018, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Lecture: “The Ultimate Achievement for International Cooperation: Cross-cultural Collaboration in the Arts and Humanities”

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1993 дня назад
13 ноября 2018 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

Welcome to a special lecture by Ambassador Robert R. Gosende. The presentation at the American Center in Moscow will elaborate on the important example set by artists and arts managers as they ply their trade across the world and what this fine example should mean for international cooperation across the board.

One of the areas in which international cross-border cooperation has managed to continue is in the area of the arts and humanities. Artists, and those who are responsible for artistic organizations, seem to instinctively understand that they are engaged in activities that feed off, prosper from, and are heightened by international contacts and cooperation. These artists and artistic leaders go deliberately out of their way as they ply their trade to engage each other in their creative endeavors. They see the world without borders in dance and ballet and music and literature.

Following a 36 year career as an American diplomat, Ambassador Robert R. Gosende served for twelve years as the Senior International Officer for the State University of New York’s sixty-four campus system, working to expand the number of international students studying at SUNY campuses and expand the percentage of SUNY’s 475,000 students who study abroad. As an American diplomat Mr. Gosende served as President Clinton’s Special Envoy for Somalia at the height of the humanitarian crisis in that country in the early 1990’s and also as the Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs in Washintgon, DC. His diplomatic career took him and his wife to Uganda, Libya, Somalia (twice), South Africa (three times), Poland and the Russian Federation, as well as to assignments in Washington, DC. Mr. Gosende now works with colleges and universities across the United States advising on international education activities and programs.   

#lecture #internationalrelations #usa


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