• 30 ноября 2018, пятница
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Talk "Yasuni the Man and Biosphere Reserve"

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1982 дня назад
30 ноября 2018 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

American Center invites you to a special talk with the participants of EcoCup Film Festival.

Today we are meeting with Ryan Patrick Killackey – Producer, Director, Cinematographer, Writer. Ryan will present his film "Yasuni Man", a documentary feature, which tells the story of the conflict in Yasuni forest that has pitted biodiversity and human rights against extractive industries and human consumption.

The talk will be moderated by Owen Davies, Producer of the Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital.

In the depths of South America, where the Andes, the Amazon and the Equator collide, a wilderness exists that was home to some of the last remaining uncontacted people on Earth. The forest in which they live may claim our planet’s highest biodiversity. A place where mammals, birds, plants and amphibians reach peak diversity, together. Because of its biological diversity and cultural significance, the forest was designated a UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve and Ecuador’s largest national park. It is now known as Yasuni the Man and Biosphere Reserve.

Speaker’s bio:

A Chicago native and graduate of The University of Montana, Killackey started his career as a wildlife biologist on various research projects studying frogs in freshwater lakes, tracking and live trapping wolverines, and as a wilderness ranger at a bear observatory in Alaska, but his passion was with amphibians. After several years in the US, this passion has lead him to the Ecuadorian Amazon and a transition to photography and film began in 2005. He has since worked on several projects for Giant Screen Films (3D/IMAX), National Geographic, PBS, Yale E360 and others.
Yasuni Man is Killackey’s first feature film.


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