• 5 декабря 2018, среда
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Talk: “How to Adjust to a New Culture: Coming to the U.S.”

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1976 дней назад
5 декабря 2018 c 18:30 до 20:00
Новинский бульвар, 21

Are you going to America anytime soon? Do you have all sorts of questions about what it’s like to live there? This lecture will give you valuable insights into how to adjust American culture. It will be equally interesting to those who are going to travel to the USA and for those who have been there and know what it takes. This is a great opportunity to share your experience and to learn!  

 The topics that this lecture is going to explore: 

-        Language: How much is enough? Do I have to speak English fluently? What does it mean to be fluent in English? 

-        Cultural differences and where they come from: Will I be able to make friends? Is it ok if I don’t like bowling?

-        Dealing with homesickness: I am going to have the best time of my life there! What do you mean “homesickness”?

-        Reverse culture shock: Is it real?

 This event will answer some of your questions and help you prepare for your trip to the USA! 

 Conducted by Natalia Lysova, EFL specialist.

#lecture #cultureshock #america #usa


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