• 10 декабря 2018, понедельник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Drama Club

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1971 день назад
10 декабря 2018 c 17:30 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21
American Center welcomes everybody interested in theatre and drama to our new Drama Club.
During this project participants will write a play, establish a room of artistic freedom, create new bonds and enhance their acting skills as well as self-confidence. 
Idea: We are all becoming or are already part of the adult society. But what kind of society awaits us? What do we expect from this society, where is our place? What things would we like to change and what things do we like about our lives, our future perspectives, our planet? 
The drama club is open for all people interested in the topic and who have the commitment to come to rehearsals once a week. Fluency in English is not mandatory.
Rehearsals: Mondays 5.30 — 7.30 p.m. 
Josi, three years of theatre experience in Bremen and in the UK, giving the best renditions of the "Habanera" and having dancing experience.
Ben, four years of theatre experience in Berlin and Ireland, not giving the best "Habanera" renditions, but having experience in Performance Art.

#club #drama #english


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