• 12 февраля 2019, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Film and Discussion: “The Loving Generation”

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1909 дней назад
12 февраля 2019 c 18:00 до 19:30
Новинский бульвар, 21

A monthly film showing as part of American Film Showcase.

To celebrate African-American History Month in the United States American Center hosts a special film showing of "The Loving Generation" by Lacey Schwartz, Mehret Mandefro.

Film Synopsis: From the filmmakers behind the award-winning films LITTLE WHITE LIE and DIFRET, comes a new digital documentary series THE LOVING GENERATION: 1965-1985 for First Look Media’s entertainment studio, Topic. LOVING GENERATION is a first-of-its-kind look into the generation of children born to one black parent and one white parent just before — and after — the Supreme Court’s 1967 Loving vs. Virginia decision, which overturned all remaining anti-miscegenation laws in the United States. More specifically, the interviewees are biracial individuals born between 1965 and 1985. These individuals include: Erin Cloud, Susan Lewis, Melissa Harris-Perry, Adam Sewer, Elaine Welteroth, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Panama Jackson, Soledad O’Brien, Nicholas Jones, Jaweer Brown, Gracia Walker, Rebecca Carroll and Octavio Warnock-Graham, and Mat Johnson. The story of the Loving Generation is the story of how these biracial children — many of whom solely identify as Black — experience race within a divided America, and how their visibility (or invisibility), accomplishments and experiences provide a fascinating and unique window into the borderland between “blackness” and “whiteness”, and, in some cases, explode our ideas about race and identity. A unique aspect of this digital series is that it draws heavily on family photos that the participants have given us to use. These personal archives are woven together with larger historical archival material and straight-to-camera studio interviews.

The rights to screen these films are generously provided by American Film Showcase, a program to bring award-winning contemporary American documentaries, feature films and animated shorts to audiences around the world, offering a view of American society and culture as seen by independent filmmakers. Funded by a grant from the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts, the Showcase highlights the value of film in fostering understanding and cooperation, dialogue and debate.


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