• 19 февраля 2019, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Music Lecture: "All That Jazz!"

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1902 дня назад
19 февраля 2019 c 19:00 до 20:00
Новинский бульвар, 21

Welcome to our new series of lectures about one of the brightest musical genres of the 20th century — Jazz. As a singer, Maria Weinberg will focus her lectures on the biographies of the greatest Jazz singers and their contribution to the development of this musical genre. You will also learn about the roots of jazz, first jazz musicians, and how jazz is linked to the modern popular music genres. And most importantly — why jazz is the key element of the twentieth century America’s musical (and — more broadly — cultural) history.

Topic: Early Jazz: first heroes
In this lecture you will learn about the first jazz musicians, their life, music and the influence on the development of jazz:
Buddy Bolden
Jelly Roll Morton
Papa Jack Laine
Sidney Joseph Bechet
Freddie Keppard
Nick LaRocca

Led by Maria Weinberg, a jazz singer with a degree in arts journalism.

#club #music #jazz


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