• 1 марта 2019, пятница
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

American History Club

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1905 дней назад
1 марта 2019 c 17:00 до 18:00
Новинский бульвар, 21
Have you ever wondered what American culture was like in different decades? Do you want to know more about the major events in American history? If your answer is yes, then come join American college student and AMC Intern Della Huffines as she covers a wide variety of topics from the founding era to the late 20th century.  You will have a chance to engage with these topics through popular music, movie clips, speeches, and historical facts, which will allow you to practice English and gain a deeper understanding of American culture through the nation’s history.  Join the new American History Club on February 15th for our first meeting!
#club #usa #history #culture


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