• 7 марта 2019, четверг
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Interactive Lecture: “A Typical Day at the U.S. University”

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1899 дней назад
7 марта 2019 c 17:00 до 18:00
Новинский бульвар, 21

Are you curious what college life looks like in the U.S. or possibly considering studying abroad on the West Coast? Then look no further! This interactive presentation will cover what a typical day is like for a student at the U.S. university including an overview of dorms, campus, student programs and opportunities for international students. Be ready to play some games and we look forward to seeing you at 18:00!

Led by AMC Intern Jaime Shaffer, University of Idaho student majoring in Political Science and International Studies Major, President of Pi Sigma Alpha, Vice President of Tau Sigma, Vice President of Japanese Student Association, UI Student Ambassador at Fulbright Scholars Program.
#studyintheus #education #usa


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