• 13 марта 2019, среда
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, 21

Workshop: “Ethical 3D printing”

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1879 дней назад
13 марта 2019 c 18:00 до 20:00
Новинский бульвар, 21

Day 3: 3D printed Prosthetics.

How does 3D printing make prosthetics available for everyone? We will find it out together with Jon Schull, an American engineer, and 3D printed prosthetics pioneer, the volunteer, speaker and leader of e-Nable, who will virtually join us to tell about this movement and its successes. We will also print a prosthesis by e-Nable and discuss how to adapt it for a real person’s needs.

We will be also joined by the representatives of Motorica, Russian innovative lab that produces functional hand prosthesis. Motorica will share their experience in helping people with disabilities.


We invite everyone interested in modern technologies to gain skills in ethical 3D printing! Why ethical? During the four workshops, we will focus not only on the opportunities provided by the technology but on its eco-friendly aspect and its medical capabilities. The workshop will be of special interest for medical students and charity and environment activists. By the end of the workshop those participants, who attended all the master-classes will receive a certificate. 


#3Dprinting #makerspace


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